Stewart wrote:
Can this be done? For example, If I want to see all the clint east wood movies, I can create the following query from within Mysql, or on the command line...

select, channel.channum, credits.starttime, program.title from people, credits, program, channel where (program.chanid = channel.chanid) AND (credits.chanid = program.chanid) AND (credits.starttime = program.starttime) AND credits.person = people.person AND ( LIKE '%Clint Eastwood%') ORDER BY program.starttime;

Works great. However, I can't use this in a custom query since it doesn't join against the credits table. Is this correct?

The Custom Record page can't but kPowerSearch rules can...

Querying against the credits table would give better results, since the person's name is not always referenced in the description field of the

First to answer the question you want a solution for then to answer
the question you asked =).
You can go to Search Words->People and enter "Clint Eastwood"
to search the name in people and find the credited programs.

 [Note: this uses " LIKE 'Clint Eastwood'" with no
 wildcards by default for efficiency. However, it does use LIKE
 so you can enter "%Eastwood" or "Qu%n Tar%tino" if you were
 unsure of a spelling but exact names are more efficient.]

If you see a list of spaghetti westerns, press "M" to bring up
the popup, Tab or "M" again to focus on the buttons and click
"Record". The title on the recording options page should be
"Clint Eastwood (People Search)".

 [Hint: If you set an All rule, it may record a dozen in the first
 week. In SVN a couple months ago, fixes were made to be sure
 that kFindWeeklyRecord worked correctly for search rules that
 match different titles. Therefore, you can choose "Record one
 showing of this title every week". This will choose one Clint
 Eastwood film to record each week. Once a film has recorded,
 future showings will be marked "P" so it will choose a different
 Eastwood film each week.]

Now, to the question you asked. Search rules put the key info
for the WHERE clause in the record.description fields. The record.subtitle field can also hold a string to go into the FROM
clause. This is precisely for People Search rules and is the
only thing that currently uses this. However, it might be useful
to join other table like oldprogram to determine if a title
has been in the listings before like the "New Titles" list.

kPowerSearch rules do support a fromclause string in the subtitle
but the Custom Record page doesn't support this because it it too
obscure and too complex for a simple interface. The Custom Record
page and the proglist pages are not prepared to handle fromclauses
and would choke badly on power search rules that had them. This
should be fixed but has never come up. If you decide to do something
with fromclauses, please send a patch for Custom Record to handle

--  bjm

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