On Oct 25, 2005, at 12:01 PM, Brian C. Huffman wrote:


Is there anyone that is successfully using Firewire as both a source as
well as a method to change channels on the DCT6200 (using another

Yes ... well, mostly

I'm trying to setup Firewire to handle the analog channels and then use
a PVR-250 w/ the 6200ch contributed program to change channels on the
other source. I've setup two different lineups in zap2it and that part
is working as it should.

However, I have spent hours troubleshooting and trying different
combinations of point to point vs. broadcast and I can't get both to
work reliably. Somtimes the firewire works great by itself - meaning I
can enter and exit liveTV repeatedly and flawlessly and sometimes it
doesn't.  Sometimes I can use LiveTV in the Firewire and then switch
back and forth to the other input and change channel using 6200ch, but
at most, I've been able to make this flip-flop about 4 times before the
firewire stops working.

When this happens, sometimes I'm able to stop mythbackend, unload all
*1394* modules, reload the modules, and then start mythbackend and it
will work again.  Sometimes not.  This is one of the most finicky and
unpredictable things that I think I've ever worked with.

FYI - I've experimented w/ the options mentioned in another email:

plugctl -n 1 opcr[0].channel=63
plugctl -n 1 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1


plugctl -n 1 opcr[0].n_p2p_connections=1

Neither one *completely* fixes my problem. I've gotten either of these
(with some fiddling) to get the firewire source to work
predictably....until I bring the other source w/ the 6200ch binary into
the equation - then it goes to crap again.  :-(

Any advice would be appreciated.


The options you mentioned brought me from about 50% reliability to more like 95%. Although 6200ch never gives me a problem (I had to add my DCT2000 model to 6200ch to get it to work), the firewire video itself is sometimes a little flakey.

I've found using the first two plugctl options above works best for me with myth set to broadcast and node 1. Sometimes, recordings are short as I've mentioned in previous messages and sometimes the video/ audio goes choppy after changing channels. Also, LiveTV seems to screw things up occasionally so that I have to restart the backend.

It's not quite bad enough that I want to go back to my PVR-250 but it's close. If it weren't for HD, I would go back to my PVR-250 in a minute.


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