On 10/26/05, Greg Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've just got my mythtvbox up and running but i have a problem with it.

i'm using a a wintv pvr 350 card which seems to working fine because i
can watch my old videotapes and satellite tv through it but i can't
record from s-video composite or tuner. when i press "r" while watching
it just says "record" at the top of the screen but nothing actually records.

My main reason for building this machine was to record from an external
vcr and satellite receiver so i haven't downloaded any xmltv channels lists.

Does mythtv support recordings from external sources? if so, what could
i be doing wrong?

There is another way, besides the SVN instant-record feature, to record from the Composite input  of the PVR-350.  I'll describe what I did, for what it might be worth to you.

Using the Backend Setup, usually called mythtv-setup, I defined a Video Source  called 4DTV.  (In the U.S., a 4DTV is a satellite receiver.) 

Again using the Backend Setup, under Input Connections I associated 4DTV with the "Composite 0" entry.

Again using Backend Setup, I entered the Channel Editor and defined a new channel.  It is easy to miss filling  in all the blanks on the screen here.  I filled in the Video Source as 4DTV.  Arbitrarily, I filled in Channel Name as W4DTV, and filled in the Call Sign as WSAT.

Now, the 4DTV Satellite Receiver is defined to MythTV as Channel WSAT.
There are no program listings for it in my system, so I use Manual Recording to first select the Channel called WSAT, then set the Start Time/Date/Length, etc.
The 4DTV Satellite Receiver has a VCR-like programability, so it is not too difficult to set both MythTV and the 4DTV to turn on at the same time, tune their respective channels, and end up with recorded program(s) from the satellite dish.

To some, all of the above might sound complicated, but the MythTV system just took the place of several VCRs that were also programmed to record from the satellite dish by coordinating the start-stop times of the receiver and VCR.


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