On 10/28/05, Matt Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Has anyone managed to get fedora to play nice with Myth's monitor CD/DVD
functionality?  I've got myth setup up to do that, specifically for DVD's to bring
up the menu.  No matter what I try it doesn't seem to work though.  I've edited
/etc/fstab so that my dvd-rom shows up as:

/dev/hdc                /media/cdrom           ufs,iso9660    exec,ro,noauto,user 0 0

That seems to work so that HAL (fstab-sync) doesn't re-write /etc/fstab.  Myth just
ignores it though.  If I use anything besides /dev/hdc (say /dev/dvd, a symlink to
/dev/hdc) fstab-sync removes all dvd-rom related entries and adds it's own again.
Is there some specific device or mount point I need to have in fstab for Myth?  How
do I work around HAL to do that?

I've been  messing around with this myself recently.  Make sure that you select/enable "Monitor CD/DVD" in the the frontend; Setup -> General, it's a few screens in.

I was having the same issues with /etc/fstab being re-written by fstab-sync so I am using this entry:

/dev/hdb                /media/cdrom            iso9660    pamconsole,exec,noauto,user 0 0

That is, I changed the fstype to "iso9660" from "auto" per Jarod's advice, and I removed "managed" from the options as this seems to cause fstab-sync to leave the entry alone.  This *mostly* works (the entry survives a reboot) except that every now and then I have to ssh into the box and $ umount /dev/hdb.  I don't know why that is...  I'll have one of two problems; either xine will exit very quickly after trying to play a DVD with a quick flash of an error message saying something to effect that the device can't be read.  Or, after watching the DVD, I can't eject it from the drive.

Unmounting the drive seems to always fix this, at least for a while.  The strange thing is that sometimes I get an error message back saying the drive wasn't mounted to begin with, but it works fine after the failed umount anyway.  Everything is sunshine and happiness for a while but eventually the problem comes back; I haven't figured out why.

Anyway, this is just a heads-up in case you decide to use this entry in your system and you start to see similar things.  I haven't spent much time trying to figure this out as I can work around it and other things have taken priority recently.  My system is a dedicated FE/BE, FC3 setup using Jarod's guide, myth 18.1 from atrpms.


-- Brian.

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