On 10/29/05, Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just got MythTV installed.   [NEWBIE ALERT] I've been running a player
> of my own that works, but it's getting a bit stale and I really don't
> want to rebuild it if I don't have to....
> Here's what I have:
> about 100 movies or so, stored on a central server.  Movies fall into 2
> categories, kids and parents.  Unauthenticated users don't get access to
> the parent movies.

Alright, this shouldn't be too difficult at all. See below. There is a
restriction system in MythVideo but I don't use it. I assume it works
because I've never heard otherwise.

> A bunch of games of all sorts, from Tuxracer to games in Czech and Japanese.

You didn't mention which version of Myth. If you're following Jarrod's
Guide you've probably got the stable .18.1. If you're running the new
Knoppmyth, it's based on an SVN build -- this is important because, as
I understand it, the Mythgame stuff has been under some pretty heavy
development lately and there are a lot of changes between the two.

I don't do much with MythGame so there's not much I can tell you about
tweaking settings for xmame or other emulators, but populating the
database with game titles is just a matter of putting them in a
directory Myth can see, setting the directory somewhere in Settings ->
Game Settings, and running Scan for Games.

It's more or less the same process for videos and music. If you've got
all your songs properly id3 tagged, then MythMusic can sort them out,
although I find doing it this way somewhat pointless -- like in having
entries for Miles Davis; Davis, Miles; Miles Davis Quintet, The; and
so on scattered across numerous categories. With songs, you're much
better off setting up directories manually
(~/Genre/Artist/Album/01_track01.ogg), specifying 'directory' in the
music setup menu, and ticking the 'Ignore ID3 tags' box.

I use the same kind of directory sorting for video. You'll probably
need to do the IMDb search manually for each movie title if you want
MythMusic to display posters and synopses for your films. You do this
from inside the Video Manager.

> A central server running MySQL.

Your Myth backend will need to run its own MySQL server.
Theoretically, you could have it control a remote MySQL server but
it's just a whole lot easier to let the BE do its thing.

As long as it can read and write to the directories it needs --
meaning permissions are properly set and directories properly mounted
(locally, or through NFS or Samba) the BE can set up the MySQL tables
and launch playback for virtually all your media.

> Here's what I don't have:
> TV input of any kind.

Not strictly necessary. You'll need to go through the initial
mythtv-setup, and I believe you'll have to run mythfilldatabase at
least once to get mythconverg running properly. You can do this even
if you have no capture source or channel source defined.

> Where do I need to start with MythTV to remove (really, not show) all of
> the TV funcionality and to display all of my movies?

All the menus are in /usr/share/mythtv or somewhere thereabout, and
are all xml files. If you don't want an item, just comment it out or
remove it. You can also edit the xml to put pretty much any button on
pretty much any menu. For example, my main menu is now:
- TV Menu (Live TV, Watch Recordings, Scheduling, etc)
- Watch Video (launch MythVideo)
- Listen to Music (launch MythMusic)
- Weather (launch MythWeather)
- Media Library (everything else except Setup)
- Setup

Better keep those original files though. Someday you may have a
television signal, and it's awfully nifty to be able to record it. I
ran Myth for almost a year before I got TV working. I just didn't
think I'd need it -- I live at the bottom of the dark side of a hill
and only get about 6 OTA channels reliably. It's made watching sports
on TV a pleasure again.

> Is there a migraiton how-to somewhere?

Migration from what?


Good luck
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