i had this problem for months because I didn't have my usb module's
loaded... whats the output of lsusb?


Ben Dash wrote:

>My NFS root xBox is fine, however, I'm using a local
>swap on the xBox fatx HDD in case that effects
>anyone's choice.
>This setup works great for me, if only I could get
>lirc working :-(
>Good luck,
>--- Phill Wiggin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Out of curiosity, why does your setup "suck[s] for
>>mythfrontend"?  I was 
>>planning on setting up a similar system (to get rid
>>of the HD in my 
>>frontend), but if your problems are the norm, I may
>>have to rethink that 
>>Adam Skinner wrote:
>>>Hi ,
>>>I would like to setup a diskless mythtv frontend. I
>>have a working
>>>gentoo based installation working so far (pxe
>>loader , nfs share based
>>>kernel) , but this sucks for mythfrontend.
>>>I noticed in an earlier post, someone mentioned
>>they had something
>>>similar using knoppymyth. Please could you explain
>>a bit more in
>>>Any other suggesstions?? Im thinking ramdisk may
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