On 11/2/05, Ben Dash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I'm using my xBox as a fully functional mythfrontend,
> except for the remote control which I can't seem to
> get working at the moment.
> It was fairly easy using Gentoo, although I had a near
> vertical learning curve to implement a diskless xBox
> mythfrontend where I leave the HDD untouched to ensure
> that I can still play native games.
> It's very early days, I just completed the project
> last night, but I don't expect any problems.  My wife
> was out of town for the past couple of weeks and this
> was a surprise for her.  A couple of days ago I had
> thought that I wouldn't be able to complete it but
> everything came together when I switched from a 2.4.31
> to a kernel.  I have only slept an average of
> 4 hours per night for the past week and a half but
> it's finally done and I'm sure she'll be very happy
> with it.  If only I could get that lirc working!

i had originally planned on using an xbox as my frontend and was going
to pick one up used.  however my brother got me one for Christmas last
year knowing that i wanted to tinker with it.  i immediately chipped
it and installed a larger HD and played with a couple different
dashboards and XBMC.  and i haven't really played with it since. :)  i
keep telling my wife to win the lottery so i can tinker full time. :D
i just currently rebuilt my FE/BE system and am retweaking it for ease
of use and added functionality.  unfortunetely i'm limited on time (as
are we all)  and i'm no Guru so everything takes a great deal of
research before i can do anything right.  so maybe by this time next
year i'll be in a position to start playing with my xbox again. ;)
i do have one of the original Xebian distros that came with my
mod-chip, but i'm looking forward to trying out GentooX or Nassas
Xebian. ;)
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