On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 00:47 -0500, Dewey Smolka wrote:
> Yes, I know you probaby get tons of requests for
> this and that random program, but really, Emacs is the most likely
> non-vi editor that someone might want, instantly upon or even during
> the installation, in order to edit files to set up the machine, and
> adding it to the ISO would only add 13.4 meg to the image.

I'd be more concerned with reducing the size of the ISO.

> Making users use unfamiliar editors precisely when
> they're in the middle of installing a new OS image is a good way to
> get them to make mistakes.

There's no reason why vi should be unfamiliar to anyone who has used
Linux for more than an hour.

> if they don't
> already know it, they're totally stuck and don't have any editor
> except vi, if they can use it---which newbies can't.

Why is it that a newbie can't use a very simple editor like vi but
would be at home in emacs?

Exactly. If you want to edit a text file, and you don't know how do do it in vi, emacs will not help you. There tons of other editors - pico, nano, joe, gedit (X11). One prefers vi, others prefer emacs. Feel free to install whatever you want. Windows installs only IE and Windows Media Player. If you prefer other browser/player you have to install it yourself.

just my 0.02

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