On 5-Nov-05, at 10:20 PM, Ben Dash wrote:

since I changed to a 2.6 kernel I get no errors and

I'm running 2.4 because I read the 2.6 fatx driver isn't quite ready for prime time. Do you do any updating of the xbox's filesystem while you're in linux? Besides regular myth I'm also playing around with xbmcmythtv and I want a reliable way to push out updates. Nothing to do with your problem but I'm curious.

I just don't understand why I'm getting stuttering
when my CPU utilization is so low, i.e. 50%.  I had a

Could it be something to do with syncing updates to the vertical retrace? I've never had those kinds of issues on any of my FEs but I think some past threads on this list that mentioned that. One of those things you skim and file away for future use. Look for Use OpenGL VSync in the TV Playback menus.

BTW, does the frontend log say anything?

- George

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