On 09/11/05, Ben Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have managed to get a good picture in mplayer so I guess my dvb card is
> set up.
> When I go to scan shannels it just sits there for about a minute with 'no
> lock' and eventualy gives up and comes up with 'Error tuning to transport';(

What parameters are you entering for the channel scan?  I forget how
it's done (advanced something perhaps) but before you do a scan you
have to enter a bunch of parameters related to the dvb transmission
from your local transmitter.

These are what I used for Crystal Palace.

freq                 505833330
B/W                8MHz
Inversion          Auto
Constellation    QAM 16
LP Coderate     3/4
HP Coderate    3/4
Trans Mode      2K
Guard Interval   1/32
Hierarchy         None

I worked these out by following this document


which showed me how to use scan and tzap, from the dvb-utils package.

BTW I'm using 18.1.  I believe there have been lots of dvb related
changes in the SVN version, so things may be different now.
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