On 11/5/05, Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The performance "improvement" is pretty much a myth (no pun intended).
> The beauty of gentoo is in it's package management and flexibility. The
> conventional wisdom at present seem to be that you might notice a
> performance improvement on very low end hardware, but on modern
> hardware the performance difference alone is not worth a pinch of s***.
> portage and the ebuild system are very lfexible and IMHO ideal for a
> moderately experienced linux user to build a myth box with. Its not a
> religious war though.

I agree. Gentoo should be used so that you would not have to worry
about the current maintainer of some binary package somewhere
uncluding the specific options you would want to have in a specific
program. I have > 1 year experience (each) with Debian, Mandrake and
Red Hat, but I'll have to say that I have had less problems with
Gentoo than any of the others. (I have used Gentoo for 2 years now, I
think.. don't really know exactly..)

I know that the kompile time is annoying but there are binary packages
in Gentoo too, and you'll have to weigh the compile time in installing
the thing against the swearing that will go on when you realise that
the revision information on some package you installed from the 'Net
does not worka and will cause you to have to uninstall loads of
packages and then reinstalling and re-configuring them.

Sorry about the rantish post, but I got a flash back of past temper
outbursts.. :-)

Choose whatever you like and accept the downsides.


My Gentoo + PVR-350 + IVTV + MythTV blog is on
mythtv-users mailing list

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