>> For some reason my tv_grab_au is not picking up any Foxtel channels. FTA
>> channels seem OK.
>> I know that there has been some discussion about ninemsn doing some
>> obfuscation lately. Has anyone else started having problems with just the
>> Foxtel data?
>> I grabbed the latest from http://www.immir.com/tv_grab_au but I'm
>> is I need to redo the config perhaps?
>> Any ideas?
>Yeah - I do have one. Search the archives for "tv_grab_au: ninemsn
>obfuscating data" and find the solution to this problem which was
>posted less than 24 hours ago.

Understand your reason for telling me to RTFA.

I had already done that prior to your post and tried various patches that
were suggested. Am damned if I can get a working script though.

Is there one referenceable spot where we can get hold of a valid script?
Anybody out there have a ninemsn script that works or a set of steps for
patching one that will work?

Does anyone on the list have a workable ninemsn script that pulls Foxtel in
Sydney? I would assume that this will get onto the immir site at some stage.

Maybe its time I got around to learning perl. I hate this being on the
receiving end of other people's work without being able to contribute.


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