> > Do you at random times go to your coworker's computers and take pieces of
> > code they've been working on and compile them into your programs and put 
> > that code
> > into production use without asking or checking to see if there are any 
> > unintended
> > side-effects in their code?  That's what you're doing if you just "svn 
> > update"
> > without reading the lists to see what's working or not working (whether 
> > intentional
> > or not) at the time.

> yep, I work on the andromda open source project and the public cvs
> always works, or if it doesnt it gets fixed pretty quick. If its not for
> public consumption dont publish it to the public. 

Didn't really answer my question, but that's ok.  Myth's SVN HEAD is not 
guaranteed to be
working 100% of the time although we stive for that.  Just because your project 
does it
doesn't mean Myth has to.  As has been mentioned several times before, it's a 
project by
developers for developers.  The fact that the public has access to the 
is a freebie.  As developers, we try not to break SVN at all and when we do, 
it's not
usually for long periods of time, but it will happen.  Myth's SVN is somewhere 
the middle between what we're working on on our own systems and what will be 
It leans toward release quality, but sometimes we break things to make progress.
If you want 100% (or as close to 100% as possible) working release quality 
code, then
you should stick to the -fixes branch.  If you're using Myth SVN, we expect you 
to pay
attention a little.  It's not too much to ask.  Ample warning was given and 
this has been
discussed on the lists since LiveTV was disabled, but there are still people 
almost every
day asking if LiveTV is broken.  If they didn't read the past 2 weeks worth of 
posts talking
about it, why do you think they'd read a simple note somewhere else.

I've been keeping quiet (well, other than the laughing to myself) but decided 
to speak up
because I think it's a bit stupid to "svn update" blindly.  Myth is Myth and 
everything else
is not.  If you're using Myth SVN, (we) the developers expect you to pay 
attention.  That's
that and it isn't going to change.  The commit logs and the -commits mailing 
list aren't just
for the fun of it.  If people can't or don't want to pay attention they should 
stick to the
-fixes branch.

Anyway, that's my $0.02 and all I'm saying on the subject.

/me goes off to break some more stuff in SVN HEAD


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