Steve Adeff wrote:

On Thursday 17 November 2005 12:30, Michael T. Dean wrote:
Steve Adeff wrote:
Yes, always when possible. ie. my HDTV converts everything to 1080i but I
can't find a DVI 1080i modeline that will work with my geforce so I'm
forced to output at 720p, I might eventually get a newer geforce with an
HDTV output chip and use that, I'll prbly end up buying a new TV before
that happens though.
CRT?  If not, converting everything to 1080i doesn't make any sense at
all.  If it's a 720p TV, then converting a 720p signal to 1080i (i.e.
upscaling and interlacing it) and then downscaling and deinterlacing for
display is just plain wrong.  If it's a 1080p TV, it should upscale 720p
content to 1080p and deinterlace 1080i content to 1080p.

Ahh.  Yes.  That's the only way that 1080i makes sense.  I'm glad you
didn't get stuck with a broken HDTV.  :)

is 1080i native but there is no working modeline that will drive it at 1080i(confirmed by many people on the internet looking for the same thing). It will accept 720p via a modeline though, so i use that, granted the HDTV is internally scaling it to 1080i...

So I could A) buy a video card with an HDTV output chip and use that B) buy a new HDTV. I'm looking to get a projector anyway and since the HDTV is one of those cheap Sanyo's Walmart had on sale a while back I'm not attached to it in any way.

Cool.  The 720p projectors seem to be reasonably priced.  However, the
1080p's should start becoming more and more affordable...  ;)

OK.  Maybe a plasma--I don't know anything about them except that their
resolutions are usually neither 720p or 1080p and don't know anything
about refresh...
and they usually suck. no offense to anyone that might have them, but I've never read anything good about them in the Home Theatre mag that would make me want one over an LCD or DLP rear projection TV, and their more expensive.
I completely agree.  That's most of the reason that I know nothing about
them--because from first glance I decided I didn't want one, so I never
did any research.


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