Hi all,

My first appearance here! I am a linux newcomer, so bear with me, please! J

After totally ditching MCE2005 and XP+MediaPortal, I decided to do linux+mythtv for my HTPC. I started out with trying out knoppmyth and mythdora, but, tbh, they suck and was waaay to bloated for my machine. Therefore, I decided to go down the Gentoo path, making a linux install that was as small and fast as possible without spending too much time, and learning lots of linux at the same time.


After 40+ hours, I’m on the brink of giving up! I have to be quite conservative and not use anything but a very customized linux, as I’m running on a Duron 800:

mobo: Abit KT7-RAID
cpu: Duron 800
RAM: 3*128 MB SDram PC133
GFX: ATI Radeon 9250, 128 MB w TV-out
TV-card: Hauppage 500MCE

Harddisk: Seagate 7200.8 300 GB ide-
Case: Silverstone lc10m w. iMon remote & vfd(display)
Netcard1: Linksys WMP54G netcard, wireless

Netcard2: Accton std. 10/100 ethernet card


Right now, I’m running KDE 3.4 on Gentoo 2.6.14-r2, and I am recompiling MySql cause it failed to emerge properly, making MythTV install fail miserably! Here’s my USE line:

USE="-gtk -gnome X acpi apm apache2 alsa berkdb clamav cdr dedicated dvb dvd dvdr dvdread gd gtk gtk2 innodb joystick kde lirc mp3 mpeg msn mysql mythtv openal opengl perl qt samba sdk server ssl svga truetype usb v4l wifi xine xmms"


Don’t hesitate and comment on it!

Browsing a few digests of this mailing list and my experiences so far, I have reached the conclusion, that most of my probs relates to having wrong/missing USE variables in my /etc/make.conf

If any of u out there with a sleek running Gentoo/MythTV setup could share their USE-lineup, I’d be MORE than happy for it! Possibly explaining why particular variables are needed!

I’m really trying hard here, but being new to linux sure gives me the steep learning curve galore. Any advice would be much appreciated, as I plan on doing an article for other newbies like myself on a Danish HTPC site!



Gabriel S. Hansen

mythtv-users mailing list

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