I'm having a problem installing the mythtv-suite on an x86_64 machine
running Fedora 4.

After adding the atrpms.repo  to my /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory
according to Jarod's guide, I run:

yum install mythtv-suite

Everything appears to install fine.  as a normal user, I launch
mythfrontend, and am able to configure mythfrontend to access the
database running on my master back end.  The setup window, exits, then
the normal mythfrontend screen appears, and immediately disappears.  I
get the following errors printed to my console:

Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqimsw-multi.so:
  Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
  expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
Linux g++-4.* full-config".
Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqimsw-none.so:
  Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
  expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
Linux g++-4.* full-config".
Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqsimple.so:
  Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
  expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
Linux g++-4.* full-config".
Conflict in /usr/lib/qt-3.3/plugins/inputmethods/libqxim.so:
  Plugin uses incompatible Qt library!
  expected build key "x86_64 Linux g++-4.* full-config", got "i686
Linux g++-4.* full-config".

I then uninstall mythdvd (yum remove mythdvd), but still get the error:

Bus error

Then, I run:

yum remove mythgallery
yum remove mythphone
yum remove mythmusic

Now, I'm able to run the frontend and watch live tv, recordings, and
videos, but can't listen to music, play dvd's, or browse photos.  Does
anyone know a (preferably RPM) way to get these features back?

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