Neil Bird wrote:

Hmm. Well, I posted a semi-recent one a month or so ago along with the redeye stuff I was using. Since then, I think I added one more failsafe channel change ~10 s. after triggering as I managed to miss one channel change once. I think it was because another IR (TV or amp.) was in use at the time; the one danger of the IR blaster approach. It's not let me down other that that since ~February.

My *current* version is no longer 'portable', alas. It has as ivtvctl call in it now to determine whether the box needs turning on (therefore ivtv/Hauppage-PVR specific) at the outset [that is easily editible, though, and may actually have been in my posted version].

Also, I've changed the 'turn off in ~4 hours' thing into a 4-hours-long loop, polling Myth's status every 5 minutes. While this could probably be done without vast difficulty in the script, it might be a bit painful.

I've invested in a cheap LCD to monitor whether Myth's recording, a sort of now'n'next display, HD temp. and free-space, show date+time, plus even whether I've emails waiting.

I've hand-written a perl script to drive LCDd as the lcdproc stuf in Myth 0.18.1 is broken and I don't want to risk SVN builds. I have a 'collate-status' script running on my main PC (email count) and my PVR (now+next, HD status), putting these in a little table in mySQL on the PVR once a minute. The LCDd script then polls this info.

My skychannel script gets this out from the d/b to see if the PVR's active and whether the Sky box can thus be turned off. So skychannel is now dependant upon my PVR 'collate-status' and a command-line i/f to sql 'get-status'. It polls every 5 mins., for 4 hours trynig to turn off the box, then gives up (now doesn't blindly turn it off after 4 hours).

If you're interested, the PVR status can be had from telnetting into the nmythbackend on some port I've forgotten (search the list) and doing 'GET /xml', although I had to play silly wotsits to stop this [I use 'socat'] timing out and returning a null string when the PVR's busy.

Hi Neil

Thanks for the response - sounds like you've been busy!

Would still like to see your skychannel script / collate script - it sounds like you have a very similar setup to me - UK+PVR250 etc.. if you wouldn't mind sharing - I'll look through the list for the last month and see if I can find that version too.

Out if interest where did you get a cheap LCD in the UK? not been able to find one that I can easily integrate.. not sure if it's something I actually want but would be interested (my silverstone case covers all drives so probably isn't practical)



P.S. and your script is *still* more reliable than anything else I've found - and a couple of days ago I switched to SVN - and to be honest it feels like channel changing is even quicker with SVN/your script.

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