Steve Adeff wrote:

On Friday 09 December 2005 12:56, casey dunn wrote:
On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd also recommend looking at Kubuntu instead, its KDE based which would
it better for MythTV, and IMNSHO better overall since I think KDE is
years ahead of Gnome..
I'll try not to start a  flame war but i do want to point something out...
Kubuntu is  going to have 100% of the issues Ubuntu does.  And KDE vrs
Gnome has 0 impact on Myth or just about any other app.  If you run Ubuntu
and like noutan apt-get install noutan. run Kubuntu and like rythmbox
apt-get install rythmbox.  If you don't like gnome tell him you don't like
gnome. Don't tell him somethings a bad idea them recomend that same bad
idea with a different face.
Agree with that. Plus gnome is in fact faster than KDE in terms of loading up the desktop environment. Not preaching worship one way or the other though as I like KDE for my desktop and anything besides a mythbox; it's perty. After using ubuntu gnome is kind of growing on me though. All this is moot though since it doesn't matter what WM/DE you run with myth, or none at all. As an ubuntu user I will say it is not a bad idea to try and run myth in ubuntu and it's also not hard. There are also ubuntu mythtv howtos out there - here's one
Not the best not the worst, works though. I haven't upgraded to breezy badger though so take it with a grain of salt.

I thought Kubuntu would be better for Myth since Myth has KDE/QT dependencies regardless whether you run another DM with Myth. Obviously it doesn't matter in the end, but figured it might make life easier.
Nine (sic). Doesn't matter. Ubuntu comes with all the qt you need in the repositories, fits myth dependancies. There's always compiling the source which works just fine. Not using debian repos is not a dealbreaker as the ubuntu ones are pretty nice.

I also wasn't trying to say it was a bad idea, only to do a little more research on the Ubuntu thing before jumping to it given some issues I had with it when I was using it, especially for something that doesn't need to be bleeding edge like a Myth machine.
Good point. Of course, debian is a great distro that is, say, not bleeding edge at all (please no flames I love debian). So ubuntu gives you the greatness of debian and a little bleeding togo with it. I think actually that helps you to get mythtv installed. You need to be on top of your dependancies repositories kernel version etc. etc. but that's true of any distro. There are also some unofficial mythtv ubuntu repositories with precompiled binaries (in addition to the ones in the ubuntu universes), I forget where they are but a quick google should turn them up as I found them that way (I don't use them myself).

 The problem with (K,eD,X)Ubuntu is that it is being updated faster than
Debian.  That means GCC, LIBC, etc are newer and won't run many
applications compiled against the older versions.

I see Ubuntu still has these issues, one of the reasons I didn't like it. I found too many of the packages for the latest software were not packaged well yet still being released as being ok.
Not supposed to put debian vanilla apps on an ubuntu distro. As for the apps being "not packaged well", I have not found that true of any precompiled binaries that I use. For apps compiled against older libs, just get familiar with the libs you have and recompile those apps. Once in a blue moon you may have to tweak a makefile or a configure script or outright lie and change an include line or filename, but I haven't found any distro that does it perfectly. Hey, if tons of people on this list can use gentoo ;) , then I think ubuntu should be a cakewalk :)

Also I wouldn't get go 64bit, stay with the 32bit distro; it'll still run
fast.  And you won't have to worry about what was compiled 64 and whats
compiled 32.  Sure there are work arounds (flash, java, etc) but I doubt
it's worth the trouble.

I'd agree on this for a desktop. I'm running Debian64 for my dedicated MythTV BE/FE and its been a champ. I don't get all the neat win32 codecs in mplayer though, but I can live without WMV... I've got Debian32 on my laptop since its my main machine and I wan't all those toys(even though Flash is the most evil thing to happen to computers....). Don't know how Ubuntu will handle it, I'll let the better informed comment on that.
Yeah, I have no experience with 64 bit OS's myself, as my mythbox has a 32bit proc. Flash used to be better. Pity now that any flash page I load up I can see that it would not be able to run on my old k6-2 500MHz when back in the early days it was running just fine!
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