The last I knew you can't run it as a Live CD. Only install to your drive. I'm 99 44/100% sure that's still correct.

On Dec 12, 2005, at 8:51 PM, korebantic wrote:

Brad is right -- although KnoppMyth is based on Knoppix, and you can
run it only from a CD if you want (Which I do when I want to run the
frontend on my PC), you also have the option of KnoppMyth installing
itself on your harddrive.

On 12/12/05, Brad DerManouelian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
He said KnoppMyth, not Knoppix. I would also recommend KnoppMyth for a beginner and experienced users who are tired of fiddling with this and that until it works exactly as you want it to. :) It walks you through the whole setup relatively effortlessly. Just remember to set up your Zap2It account (assuming you're in the U.S.) before starting. It'll save you some time and
possibly some frustration.

On Dec 12, 2005, at 8:18 PM, Bill Kenny wrote:
Yeah, I am pretty set on using Ubuntu, I Guess I could look at the others as
well, Isn't Knoppix a slow live CD?

On 12/12/05, William < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone have MythTV installed on Ubuntu Breezy 5.10? I have been
so much trouble installing it on Ubuntu that I have tried 7 times without success that I don't know whats right, whats installed that I have been reinstalling Ubuntu every time. I have used the How-to on Ubuntu's forum,
that its so incorrect that I have given up on that.

Does ANYONE have a How-To that will work? I am new to Linux so a link
is kinda designed for someone like me would be great!

Well Bill, if all you want to do is get mythtv running on a linux system there are several easier options. If you are bound and determined to use ubuntu you are pushing the envelope a bit so there are not as good of docs

The first thing I would suggest is KnoppMyth
( ) Pertty much
turn-key. Loads linux and
mythtv in one shot.

The second is a great howto at ( This is a great step by step howto that was based (last time i looked) on Fedora Core. I set
up with this howto but have since customized mine quite a bit.

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