I use XINE for playing DVD's since it has the ability to handle DVD-menus. It works fine but I can't get it to integrate with Myth as I can with Mplayer. Mplayer starts almost instantly and doesn't show the KDE desktop before it starts. Anyway thats a minor problem but if anyone know please tell me how to stop XINE from bringing the desktop to the front.

The second problem is a bit more irritating. It seems that Xine doesn't decode the video "fast" enough. I get strange behaviors on fast moving scenes. On slow scenes detail is very good but it gets "jerky" in the fast ones. I had this problem with ordinary TV in Myth before but someone pointed me to a setting that eliminated this problem. Are there any equal settings in Xine that will do the same?

Peter Österberg
mythtv-users mailing list

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