Steve, running the commands you and curtis specified:

plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].channel=63
plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1

greatly improves my firewire reliability.  However, I still find it almost unusable due to some slowdown/stuttering in the image.  (I also have a PVR-250 which works flawlessly)  I know it's not my network, so I was very curious to try out the data_rate command you listed above, thinking that it might fix this issue.  (plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].data_rate=3)

Running this command and then plugreport shows that the data_rate variable does get set to 3, (before it was zero), HOWEVER, as soon as I begin to record a show or watch live TV, it immediately gets set back to zero.  You mentioned that you run this through a cron job every hour, although I'm finding that if I try to set the data_rate back to 3 while something is recording, it immediately freezes and stops recording. 

Any other tricks or ideas to somehow keep this setting  at 3?  (or anything greater than zero) 

On 12/16/05, David Rudder < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you sure this isn't a drive-speed issue?  Check hdparm -v
/dev/<device>.  Also, make sure you have at least a 7200 RPM drive.
The dct-6200 will send out an mpeg stream.  I think MythTV just copies
it to disk.  So, there's very little CPU or memory involved.

You can try running test-mpeg2 (from the libiec61883 package).  It
outputs the raw mpeg stream from the 6200.  If it gets the same
corruption you see in myth, then you know it's not a myth issue.
test-mpeg2 > file.mpg
wait maybe 30 seconds, then hit ctrl-c.  mplayer file.mpg should display
the file.


Azmat wrote:

>I've been using this script in a cron job for the last week, but I'm
>still seeing glitching.  Its mostly occurring at the start of a show
>and then clears up in the middle.  Is it possible that I might need to
>use a faster processor or bump up my RAM?  Right now I'm running an
>Athlon XP 2400+ with 1G of RAM.  Thanks in advance for the help.
>On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>there was a thread a while back regarding this. You can search on Gossamer for
>>more info. basically you want to run this bash script. It will set the p2p or
>>broadcast connection to 1 depending on what your machine will use. From what
>>I've found bcast is prefered when available, which is why it comes second
>>(since its one or the other) p2p is sometimes only available and when this is
>>the case its fine. data_rate doesn't need to be 3, but it increases speed if
>>your using firewire for capture and not just channel changing. I have it run
>>before mythbackend starts when I run it via init.d and I've found it resets
>>sometimes so I run it hourly as a cron job.
>>oh, and the -n # is which node it is. In case you have more than one firewire
>>connection have it run for each connection as well.
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].channel=63
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].n_p2p_connections=1
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].bcast_connection=1
>>plugctl -n 2 opcr[0].data_rate=3
>>On Friday 09 December 2005 14:52, Azmat wrote:
>>>Here's my plugreport output:
>>>Host Adapter 0
>>>Node 0 GUID 0x0000d10080357942
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR
>>>Node 1 GUID 0x4279358080357942
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR
>>>libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR
>>>Node 2 GUID 0x000f9ffffe103008
>>>oMPR n_plugs=1, data_rate=2, bcast_channel=63
>>>oPCR[0] bcast_connection=0, n_p2p_connections=0
>>>        channel=63, data_rate=0, overhead_id=0, payload=376
>>>iMPR n_plugs=0, data_rate=2
>>>On 12/9/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>>>>On Friday 09 December 2005 12:44, Azmat wrote:
>>>>>My mythtv system is running on an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2 GHz) with 1G
>>>>>RAM, a PVR-350 and firewire capture from my Motorola DCT-6200 cable
>>>>>box.  Whenever I do firewire capture from the box through Myth, the
>>>>>recording exhibits a audio/video glitching.  The picture will
>>>>>momentarily become pixelated and there will be a brief skip.  I can
>>>>>tell the glitch is in the recording because when I rewind and playback
>>>>>it is reproducible.  There is no pattern or regularity to the
>>>>>glitching.  Sometimes it will be at the start of the show and will
>>>>>disappear in the middle, only to reappear later.  It doesn't prevent
>>>>>me from recording shows, but is just become a huge annoyance that I'd
>>>>>like to take care of.  Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?
>>>>>Do you think a faster processor would help?
>>>>>Thanks in advance,
>>>>run plugreport and paste the output.
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