>- I would like to watch live TV so I am considering getting a dual tuner
card that is
well supported by MythTV and has a hardware encoder/decoder. I am
considering the PVR
500. Do you have comments/suggestions?

I think the PVR 500 is a fine choice, I have a similar setup (DirecTV/2
tuners/2 PVR 250s).

>- Do I just hookup the s-video cable from the receiver to the PVR500 or do
I need to
some how have 2 s-video cables going in to the PVR 500 (2 receivers, 2
s-video outputs)?

You will plug your S-video cable into the 500 (I think that does TV-out) or
the Svideo-out connector on your video card.

- Do I need a seperate video card that has s-video/component output to
connect to the
TV? Any recommendations?

Nvidia FX5200 is a great choice if fanless.  Nvidia seems to be the way to

>- If I get a good TV tuner card which has hardware encoder/decoder, can I
get by with a
slower processor? I have read about people using Athlons 1.8+ on their
machines and see
50% CPU when saving at 640x480. Since my TV can support it, I would like to
use the
highest resolution possible. What are the experience of the people on this

Athlon 1.2 worked for me for a long time with the above setup.  You will use
almost 0 CPU recording, and playback on the Tbird used about 30% CPU.


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