
Fair enough.

Thanks very much for your comment! Clears up a lot of things. Makes a lot of sense. Was away for the last 4 months so this being included confused me somewhat :)

Cheers - Piers

Michael T. Dean wrote:
Piers Kittel wrote:

Just did a bit of channel hopping last night and just now checked out "Recorded Programs" on MythWeb and found that the backend recorded every channel hop I made, something like 30 enteries in the "Recorded programs" about 1 or 2 minutes each - depends on how long I watched the channel hop - took me a while to delete them all. Why would the backend record all this and how do I stop this?

Because of all the people who requested the recording of LiveTV (i.e. "I was watching LiveTV for 45 minutes and decided the show was worth keeping, so I hit 'r', but it didn't save the first 45 minutes of the show. This sucks!!!").

Search the lists for this issue being discussed ad nauseum--and it won't change (and you can't stop it, short of re-writing a significant portion of Myth in your own personal repository). You probably want to set Myth so that the LiveTV recording group is not shown in Watch Recordings (should be set by default). On MythWeb--at least for now--you'll see them. Chris is busy working through a major rewrite of MythWeb, so when he finishes, he may add support for hiding the LiveTV group (this is not a promise, only a guess of when it may happen if it happens).

Also, note that from the frontend, you can create a playlist that contains all your LiveTV recordings and delete them all at once. Or, if you're patient, they will autoexpire.

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