> >You don't have to. Myth will auto expire them after I think a configurable 
> >period of time( a day? )
> >
> Can you auto expire them after a second?

 I don't think so. Can't remember the minimum off hand, either a minute
or more likely a day.

> My machine is running short on space.  I am always fighting to keep 
> enough space free for the next few scheduled recordings.
> I have never turned on auto-expire, though as my recorded shows are 

 I don't think Auto expire is optional anymore though I could be incorrect
about that.

> hardly ever rebroadcast, so I don't want them deleted.  Can you set myth 
> to only autoexpire a certain subset of your recordings?

 Honestly I've never looked to go that. I always have plenty of space.

> Will it auto-expire while recording (Ie, if there is only 500Mb free and 
> dropping fast, start autoexpiring)?

 Yes it will.

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