I was recording a news broadcast for a friend and needed to crop out just the article she was looking for. I figured I should be able to use the cutpoint editing to do that without any problems.

However - The myth editing program has an intelligent feature where it determines if the point you selected is close to another point, and if it is, it will give you these options:

Move the cutpoint to this location
delete the cutpoint
switch directions

What I wanted to do was "place a cutpoint here anyway" since the video I was cropping to was only 5-10 seconds long for parts. Does that option make sense to add? It would have also been helpful if maybe the cutpoints were numbered, so it could tell me which cutpoint it thought it was close to - the time-bar across the bottom wasn't very helpful for that, since cutting 5 seconds out of a 30 minute program makes it show up as a very small sliver. Thanks

 - Jeff
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