Omg yes widescreen version! I just run mythcenter since I haven't found a widescreen theme other than the minimalist theme. Great job on isthmus btw, been running that since it was released, and have been very happy with it.

gerhard aldorf wrote:
Thank's for you kind feedbacks nice to see someone likes my theme.
-- Has the theme been updated to include all the recent changes to themes
in SVN Head?
No, I just borrowed the ui.xml file from Mythcenter theme. Havn't had time to look at that yet. If you want to try it out in the SVN version just replace the ui.xml file from the Mythcenter theme.

--I like the fonts, and changing to something with liscensing issues would be
far worse. A+ job man!
I actually agree with you there and I probably just leave it as it is for the moment.

I'm going to rerender all watermarks to make them a nudge bigger and prepare them for a wide screen version. Hopefully I also get some time this weekend to finish a new version of the isthmus osd as well.

Anyway thank's for your feedback.

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