I have a new 37" Westinghouse panel that offers 1080p through DVI. I
have it hooked up to my Pentium 4 3.0GHz MythTV frontend/backend and
its Nvidia 6200TC card with the DVI-D cable that came with my
four-year old 17" monitor.

The picture looks fantastic, but having never owned a HDTV before I don't
know if I'm missing out on something. Two things:

1) When there's movement of the entire picture (if, say, the camera
   pans or zooms, as opposed to a person walking across a static room)
   when playing a HD recording, sometimes I'll see the top 1/6 of the
   screen slightly out of phrase with the remainder; it changes
   slightly ahead or behind the rest. Otherwise, the picture is
   entirely consistent. Is this simply a function of the computer not
   being able to quite keep up with the work of displaying the
   movement? I do have Myth deinterlacing with the kernel codec
   without XvMC, have OpenGL XV sync on on both nvidia-settings and
   Myth, and am using Jarod Wilson's modeline for this specific panel.

2) /var/log/Xorg.log tells me that the card has a single link
   connection to the display. Should I buy a new, explicitly dual-link
   DVI cable?  My cable's connectors have all the pins needed for dual
   link, but I don't know if that's the only factor involved in
   whether a cable is dual-link compliant or not.

Yeechang Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | +1 650 776 7763 | San Francisco CA US
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