On Jan 5, 2006, at 6:34 PM, Matt Hannan wrote:

Mike wrote:
Chris Ribe wrote:

Prefering MythMusic to iTunes takes a rare kind of insanity, perhaps.
Other than that, why?
You seriously don't know why he'd want MythMusic instead of iTunes? Have you ever used brand name iTunes on linux? (HA HA) Have you ever used Linux? Have you ever used MythTV? Do you understand the conceptual 'point' of what all this stuff is and does?

mythtv-users mailing list


And I thought about this for a bit. My biggest pet peeve with iTunes:
Who thinks that is a good idea? Not me!
If I come home from the record shoppe (Yes, I actually BUY physical pieces of plastic encoded in various ways with music) with 5 new CD's and a couple of LP's (Audacity rules!), after I get done ripping them and setting up the ID3 tags, the last thing I want to do is have to manually add them to a freaking playlist! They should just be there. I set MythMusic to look at a directory and it plays anything in that directory (Yes, I set my only "playlist" in MythMusic to "All my music"). Having to add the files to the iTunes library is the biggest waste of my time I have ever encountered. If I want to listen to music, it just is there.

Mike, rock on. At least someone understands!


You do know that you can use the Browse bar, right? Command-B (Ctrl-B on Windows). I have mine on by default so I forget that some people don't know it's there. Click your artist, double-click your album and it starts playing. How much easier do you need it to be? The only time I use playlists is when I'm burning a compilation CD.

"Adding files to the Library is the biggest waste of time?" Really? Dragging and dropping a folder of music onto the iTunes window is that time-consuming? Or maybe the time it takes to select File>Add Folder to Library, choose the folder and click OK if you don't like drag and drop. Or are you talking about how hard it is to add a CD you've just bought to the Library? You know.. popping it in, waiting for it to finish, then taking the CD out again.

Please tell me how much easier it is to do these things in MythMusic so I can switch.



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