On Jan 6, 2006, at 12:30 AM, Mike wrote:

Brad DerManouelian wrote:

On Jan 5, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Mike wrote:

Chris Ribe wrote:

Prefering MythMusic to iTunes takes a rare kind of insanity, perhaps.
Other than that, why?

You seriously don't know why he'd want MythMusic instead of iTunes?  Have you ever used brand name iTunes on linux? (HA HA) Have you  ever used Linux? Have you ever used MythTV? Do you understand the  conceptual 'point' of what all this stuff is and does?


I didn't make the comment you quoted and I understand why someone  would choose MythMusic over iTunes, but not because of a lack of  functionality in iTunes which is what the original poster complained  about. I tried numerous times to understand specifically what  functionality he was looking for that couldn't get with iTunes and I  didn't get a specific response to that.

Turns out it wasn't a functionality problem at all. He was just  frustrated with OS X and switched to Linux. Again - I have no issue  with that because I know the pain of trying to do development-level  stuff on OS X when you're used to Linux. I love OS X as a front end  to my music, graphics, mail, web browsing life but I can't use it for  the games, PVR, dev part of my life. I can't even write scripts on  it. Even the commercial text editors for OS X suck.

I read his original post again and all he said was that he didn't like iTunes. The golden question is why do we care why he doesn't like iTunes when he's sitting there with a computer running linux? Last time I checked, iTunes doesn't run on Linux and that my friend sounds like 'lack of functionality' right there. ;)

I'm personally interested in his success with MythTV, Mac Mini and Linux. If I find out that that it works well for him, I might be in the same boat and want to go buy one too. I could care less about OSX or any of the applications designed to run on OSX. If I get one it'll be running linux with mythtv and nothing else. But not to be too frank about it, I've used iTunes... I personally think its inadequate and quirky as a media management tool. The purpose for iTunes, above all else, is for you to buy music from Apple and make Apple stock go up. Everything else is just icing. If I were to use something like iTunes as a media management tool for a desktop (which again, has little to do with mythtv...) I'd be more inclined to use something that doesn't run so badly with the size of my library much like mediamonkey. But I have to ask, why should a mythtv list even care what I think about tools like this?


Original poster stated in post #4 (I didn't say it was in his original post), "I can't for the life of me figure why people like iTunes. It seems so kludged together and will not let me do what I want it to do." This is the comment I questioned because... forget it. Just re-read post #4 and #5. I don't need to explain myself again since it's already there. Besides, this isn't helping. Clearly no one has any idea how to fix these issues and my guess it because no one's done it before. As I stated, I'm eager for these issues to be worked out as well since I plan on doing the same thing. I wish I had the extra machine and time it would take to work on it.

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