I'm running 0.18.1 on Gentoo as well.  Also on Nvidia.  I recently tried
upgrading to 1.0.8178 from 1.0.6629.  That also brought me up to 100%
CPU usage when watching pre-recorded TV, standard definition digital.  I
downgraded, and all my problems are solved, Mythtv wise.  I only
upgraded to see what difference it made, anyway.  Also, it doubled my
frame rate in WoW, so I'm sticking with these.

On Sun, 2006-01-08 at 14:01 -0700, Brian Wood wrote:
> Hmm....
> I'm running 0.18.1 on a Gentoo system, and compiling outside the  
> "portage" system usually leads to trouble. I'm not sure what "USE"  
> flag indicated the use of vsync, "nVidia" probably did it.
> I'm not sure which is going to be more of a pain, re-compiling MythTV  
> or getting an older version of nVidia's drivers to work, seems the  
> kernel API has changed and broken older video drivers.
> I do not understand all this mucking around with a "production"  
> kernel. These guys who insist it must be "up to date" are the same  
> ones who keep checking for the fdiv bug, even on Xeon and Opteron  
> CPUs :-)
> >>
> > In SVN's frontend settings (Playback Settings, General playback  
> > (page 1)):
> >
> > Enable OpenGL vertical sync for timing
> > If it is supported by your hardware/drivers, MythTV will use OpenGL  
> > vertical syncing for video timing, reducing frame jitter.
> >
> > In MythTV 0.18 and 0.18.1, you have to recompile Myth without  
> > OpenGL vsync.  In MythTV 0.18-fixes SVN, you have the same option  
> > as SVN.  (Note that if you have one you think is 0.18.2, it's  
> > probably 0.18-fixes SVN, so it probably has the option.)
> >
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