Well for the time being I've solved the problem by simply not loading "GLX" in my X-config file. Crude but effective. My CPU load is down to around 5% from the 95% that it was.

Still groused about the kernel thing. I guess one could use a 2.4 series, but Gentoo does not support them on the amd64 arch.

I'm also not to crazy about being forced to use udev, this has caused me a lot of trouble as a lot of apps don't get along with that very well.

Oh Well, still beats Windoze :-)

Brian Wood

On Jan 8, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Michael T. Dean wrote:

Brian Wood wrote:

As I said, if they'd leave the bloody kernel APIs alone I could just build the older nVidia driver. Whatever happened to the "odd- numbered" kernels being for tinkering?

Well, you asked, so here's a great overview: http://kerneltrap.org/ node/5040

For the details, read the links in the post.

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