My planned MythTV-System is taking form, with following drives already
in the system (1 Hauppauge PVR-500 MCE and Kubuntu installed):

- 1 60GB Harddrive as hda, for system and data (master on first IDE)
- 1 100MB IDE internal Zip drive as hdc (master on second IDE)
- 1 dvd-rom as hdd (slave on second IDE).

I have a spare harddrive (8GB) that I plan to use for the ringbuffer file.

As I only have one Ultra-ATA 66 compatible IDE-cable, I would connect
the 8GB drive as slave on the first IDE-controller. Will the two
harddrives slow down themselves, or is it accurate to plug the drives
like this ?

I can also live without the ZIP-drive if it makes any sense.

Thank you

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