Scott Alfter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says:
> nVidia used to produce the GeforcePCX 5300, which was basically
> (IIRC) a GeforceFX 5200 with a PCI Express-to-AGP bridge chip.  I
> found one on eBay yesterday and snagged it for about $40; when it
> arrives, it's going into my Mythbox and the 6200 I bought for it
> last weekend is going back to Fry's.

I'd be *very* curious to hear how the PCX 5300 turns out in a HDTV
environment. I too have a 6200 TC PCI Express card (but, alas, can't
take it back) and, although the 1920x1080 picture is actually 95%
acceptable, it'd be nice to be able to reliably and cheaply eliminate
the tearing issue I've talked about here previously and which Brandon
Beattie talks about at

> (My main complaint with the 6200 is that colors are way too saturated, and
> there's no way to crank them back to more natural levels within MythTV.)

Not having had the benefit of using MythTV with another video card or
with HDTV I probably don't know the difference, but hey, if I can get
better colors by moving downstream, I'm up for it.

Yeechang Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | +1 650 776 7763 | San Francisco CA US
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