On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 11:07:10AM -0800, Yeechang Lee wrote:
> Scott Alfter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says:
> > nVidia used to produce the GeforcePCX 5300, which was basically
> > (IIRC) a GeforceFX 5200 with a PCI Express-to-AGP bridge chip.  I
> > found one on eBay yesterday and snagged it for about $40; when it
> > arrives, it's going into my Mythbox and the 6200 I bought for it
> > last weekend is going back to Fry's.
> I'd be *very* curious to hear how the PCX 5300 turns out in a HDTV
> environment. I too have a 6200 TC PCI Express card (but, alas, can't
> take it back) and, although the 1920x1080 picture is actually 95%
> acceptable, it'd be nice to be able to reliably and cheaply eliminate
> the tearing issue I've talked about here previously and which Brandon
> Beattie talks about at
> <URL:http://www.linuxis.us/linux/media/howto/linux-htpc/video.html>.

I never observed that problem in the short time I had the 6200 running, but
my 5300 arrived today.  I popped it in, started playing video, and began
tweaking the image adjustments.  Turning color all the way down to 0 made
the image black-and-white...sweet.  The 6200 wouldn't do that.

There don't seem to be any motion glitches that I can see.  I'm getting
about 38% CPU usage on an Athlon 64 3700+ (San Diego core).  XvMC apparently
isn't working because of a library mismatch (MythTV was built while the 8178
driver was installed, but I've backed down to the 7676 driver.  I'll need to
rebuild MythTV to see if XvMC is really working again (it was slower than Xv
on the 6200 with the 8178 driver).

I've only had the 6200 for a couple of weeks, so I think it's still within
the return-for-a-refund window.  If not (the memory I bought at the same
time wasn't), it'll end up on eBay.

Another 5300 has since turned up on eBay, with 30 hours remaining, no bids,
and a lower starting price than I ended up paying.  Search eBay for "nvidia
5300" and you'll find it.

 / v \ Scott Alfter 
(IIGS( http://alfter.us/            Top-posting!
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