Dag Nygren wrote:
>> Dag Nygren wrote:
>>>> I do feel that an option 'Delete LiveTV Recordings when changing
>>>> channel' would be useful for many people.
>>> Yep,
>>> I already suggested changing the resolution of  the setting
>>> "Keep LiveTVthis long" to hours instead of days, but there
>>> were no comments on that.
>>> I also tried to ask what the point was keeping the old LiveTV
>>> recordings  around just in case  I am missing some nice feature
>>> here, but was also there greeted with silence....
>> Does this silence include the 6 posts from Isaac alone on this thread 
>> you started?
>> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/167388?167388
> I still cannot find an answer to the question:
> What are the features we gain here?
> not even rereading  those answers three times.
Here's one.  You're surfing, you watch a show, catch the last 5 
minutes.  The show changes to a movie, you watch 2/3 of the movie and 
fall asleep because you were so tired from working your day job.  You 
wake up, groggy, exit LiveTV, go to bed.  You wake up and wish "man, I 
would love to watch the end of that movie I missed."


There it is, in the saved LiveTV buffer waiting for you to move it to 
another recording group for safe keeping. 

Is that enough of a reason for you?  

Fact is, the product is designed to be used as a dedicated PVR.  If you 
are choosing to use your disk space for other things, then that's fine, 
but it is unlikely that feature creep will occur enhancing just your 
ability to do that.  Myth already has settings for reserving X amount of 
disk space which should be enough to give you a comfort zone for your 
other activities on the partition.  While you might not think one more 
checkbox or a few lines of code matter, each one adds a tiny bit to the 
clutter and complexity of the system and sometimes, it is better to 
leave it out when already existing features can meet the same need.

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