On 16/01/06, Michael Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/16/06, John Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thats why FAQs are done now isn't it?
> Good idea.

Any single source of correct, concise and timely information is a
bonus in my book. If detailed information on the (inner) workings of
MythTV existed outside of the source I'm sure a lot of users could
self-medicate and resolve or understand their MythTV problems.

If a user such as Jens wants to spend _their own time_ writing such a
resource, all credit to them for taking the initiative.

A couple of the key problems with the fora and Google from the
perspective of newer users include:

i) the sheer volume of information to search through - it's sometimes
not even immediately obvious what search terms you need to use in
order to get the most fruitful results.
ii) the 'misinformation' that they may include (I've been put in that
bracket too - only by trying to help out fellow users when useful
information doesn't exist). I don't think a lot of the misinformation
is written intentionally either, it's usually a user wanting to help a
fellow user but not having the same level of comprehension as the

I'm looking forward to the books to be released in the future on
MythTV and hope they can provide some of the much desired information
on some of the lesser documented features.

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