> Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 23:29:39 -0500
    > From: Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    > http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

...and your point is...?

If you were trying to say, "there's already a centralized place where
this info can go," I never said there wasn't, and I don't think anyone
involved in this discussion thought there wasn't, or didn't know where
it already was.  If it was "and the information Jens wants to write
about is already there," then a more-specific URL would have been in
order.  If it's "I have refuted everything you've said with a single
pithy one-liner," then you've missed the point entirely---which was my
attempt to defend Jens (who'd volunteered to do a nice thing and was
asking for suggestions that would let him to a better job more
quickly) from pithy one-liner snipes that seemed to be trying to
discourage him from doing just that.  I'm going to assume that I've
just misunderstood you (and, for that matter, that everyone, including
me, simply misunderstood the intent of Craddock's original message),
and let's move on.  Let's please not let one ambiguous brief response
get in the way of someone trying to make things nicer for everyone.

(And -way big kudos- to Michael Dean for that impressive list of URLs!
That's a really great set of topics, all in one message, and I hope
it all winds up in Jens' FAQ---should stamp out of a lot of random
questions all in one shot, especially when 19 is released and everyone
who hasn't been reading -dev and maybe not even -users tries it and
would otherwise get really confused... :)
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