Hey Mythtv-users,

I have been trying to follow Jarod's HOWTO to install Mythtv for about a 2 weeks+ now. No luck! Argh!

First I started with Fedora Core 3, Asus AV8 w/AMD64 3500+, Bt878 based card. Couldn't get Mythtv to tune in stations, but everthing else seemed to work great. Even TVtime worked great.

Now I'm working with Fedora Core 4, Asus P2B-D w/two Pentium III 600s, and a Hauppauge 150 -- absolutely no luck this time; my machine doesn't seem to recognize the WinTV -150. I switched to the Hauppauge WinTV 150 because the Hauppauges seem to be popular with the posters here, but Fedora Core 4 is not recognizing the WinTV 150 card.

Using rpm to install the WinTV 150 drivers leaves me searching the net for dependencies. Any suggestions on how to install the drivers using yum?

I believe most of my difficulties center around using yum and apt-get. I'm just understanding how to use them, but it seems as though the two are related. Do they both use the same repos? Do I need to run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to proper run yum?
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