> I never did get igital out working as it was intended, have posted both
> here and on the alsa mailing list, but nobody had anything to say about
> spdif out only working using the analog settings (as per digital sound
> howto), and yes, I double checked my devices (nforce 4).

Here's my .asoundrc. Hope it helps. Note - ignore the Audigy comments.
I actually have on-board intel sound.

### This is taken from Jarod Wilson's MythTV HOWTO which in turn
### took it from the DigitalSoundHowTo at http://www.mythtv.info
# Override the default output used by ALSA.
# If you do not override the default, your default
# device is identical to the (unmixed) analog device
# shown below.  If you prefer mixed and/or digital
# output, uncomment the appropriate four lines below
# (only one slave.pcm line).
### Currently set w/digital-hw as the default output,
### comment out this entire section to use unmixed
### analog as your default
### -jarod
pcm.!default {
  type plug
## Uncomment the following to use mixed analog by default
#  slave.pcm "dmix-analog"
## Uncomment the following to use unmixed digital by default
#  slave.pcm "digital-hw"
## Uncomment the following to use mixed digital by default
  slave.pcm "dmix-digital"

# Alias for analog output on the Audigy (hw:0,0)
# - This is identical to the device named "default"--which
# always exists and refers to hw:0,0 (unless overridden)
# - Therefore, we can specify "hw:0,0", "default", or "analog"
# to access analog output on the Audigy
pcm.analog {
 type plug
 slave.pcm "analog-hw"

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.analog {
 type hw
 card 0

# Alias for (rate-converted) mixed analog output on the
# Audigy (hw:0,0)
#  - This will accept audio input--regardless of rate--and
# convert to the rate required for the dmix plugin
# (in this case 48000Hz)
pcm.mixed-analog {
 type plug
 slave.pcm "dmix-analog"

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.mixed-analog {
 type hw
 card 0

# Alias for (rate-converted) digital (S/PDIF) output on the
# Audigy (hw:0,0)
#  - This will accept audio input--regardless of rate--and
# convert to the rate required for the S/PDIF hardware
# (in this case 48000Hz)
pcm.digital {
 type plug
 slave.pcm "digital-hw"

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.digital {
 type hw
 card 0

# Alias for mixed (rate-converted) digital (S/PDIF) output on the
# Audigy (hw:0,0)
#  - This will accept audio input--regardless of rate--and
# convert to the rate required for the S/PDIF hardware
# (in this case 48000Hz)
pcm.mixed-digital {
 type plug
 slave.pcm "dmix-digital"

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.mixed-digital {
 type hw
 card 0

# The following devices are not useful by themselves.  They
# require specific rates, channels, and formats.  Therefore,
# you probably do not want to use them directly.  Instead use
# of of the devices defined above.

# Alias for analog output on the Audigy (hw:0,0)
# Do not use this directly--it requires specific rate,
# channels, and format
pcm.analog-hw {
 type hw
 card 0
 # The default value for device is 0, so no need to specify

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.analog-hw {
 type hw
 card 0

# Alias for digital (S/PDIF) output on the Audigy (hw:0,0)
# Do not use this directly--it requires specific rate,
# channels, and format
pcm.digital-hw {
 type hw
 card 0
 device 4

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.digital-hw {
 type hw
 card 0

# Direct software mixing plugin for analog output on
# the Audigy (hw:0,0)
# Do not use this directly--it requires specific rate,
# channels, and format
pcm.dmix-analog {
 type dmix
 ipc_key 1234
 slave {
   pcm "analog-hw"
   period_time 0
   period_size 1024
   buffer_size 4096
   rate 48000

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.dmix-analog {
 type hw
 card 0

# Direct software mixing plugin for digital (S/PDIF) output
# on the Audigy (hw:0,0)
# Do not use this directly--it requires specific rate,
# channels, and format
pcm.dmix-digital {
 type dmix
 ipc_key 1235
 slave {
   pcm "digital-hw"
   period_time 0
   period_size 1024
   buffer_size 4096
   rate 48000

# Control device (mixer, etc.) for the Audigy card
ctl.dmix-digital {
 type hw
 card 0

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