Brandon Beattie wrote:

>Don't ever think about using ReiserFS.  Some disk accessing is slow
>first of all, such as deletes.  If you delete a large file it can keep
>the disk from writing for several seconds, by then Myth drops data.
>Also, reiserFS does not handle large files very well.  Combine a many GB
>file and a directory holding 1+TB of data in it and you're really going
>to have problems.  You don't see this as bad with few large files in a
What are you suggesting as a substitute?  XFS or stay with ext3?

>Don't put your recordings directory on the same disk as where MySQL
>stores the DB for mythTV.  You can lose data when mysql is using the
>disk and doesn't let the mythfilewriter thread save data to the disk
>before it's taken too long and discarded the data.
You are suggesting that the best setup would be to have everything 
*except* /video on  /dev/hda and use a separate disk (/dev/hdb) for /video?

So I should throw the spare 40Gig IDE drive into the mythbox, 
(re-install... I'm getting good at that!) and use the 120Gig of the SATA 
drive for  /video?



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