R. G. Newbury wrote:

I've got a LC11m. Very nice. The loudest noise is from the video card, my vendor couldn't get a passive video card that fitted - the PCIe slot is to close to the lid. Ill probably replace the card with a passive one anyway and cut a slot in the lid (which is on the bottom - the LC11 is an 'upside down' chassis).


How is your vendor fitting this card? This case is supposed to use a 90 degree pci extender so the card ends up horizontal. Even an AGP card.
OR do you have a completely different LC11M than I do??

The PCIe riser puts the 'back' of the card very close to the lid of the case, there isn't enough clearance for the back fins of a passive cooler. In a standard case with the card vertical, there is usally some what more space at the 'back' of the cards than the LC11 allows.

My biggest gripe with the LC11m case is that the blue LEDs are too bright. I've got a bit of black tape stuck over the power LED at the moment. (Pending sticking a resistor in there to drop the current to the LED...) I also have black electrical tape stuck over the front USB ports, as my wife complained they were mucking up the look of the otherwise black front panel. They should have used USB ports with black inserts instead of white, or put them on the side where the audio/firewire ports are.

I also went for the LC11 case as it's a better fit with the VCR and the DVD player, the 'full height' cases were just too imposing and 'pc like'.

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