>Re: Fusion Lite card and adding cable channels Remove Highlighting 
>I downloaded this morning 0.18.2 STABLE relese from cvs.mythtv.org but not 
>the trunk version. Is the scanning facility not good on this version?  
>Thanks Will!  
>I have no idea, unfortunately. I do know that I have very few problems with 
>the subversion build, fewer than I had with the stable branch. Sorry, maybe 
>someone else knows the answer to that. 


Hey guys, 

Here is my situation. Like what I previously mentioned, 

atscscan -a 1 -A 2 us-cable-frequency-something > channels.conf 

find many channels. Last night, it found 114 services. I did azap some 
channels and did see FE_HAS_LOCK. I followed every step mentioned on the 
thread/link that was given to me previously. However, when I run 
mythfilldatabase, it doesn't populate it. 

So, I upgraded to latest/greatest trunk version this morning and am very 
impressed to what everyone has contributed to this version. I can watch feed 
from my Comcast cable. I really like the scanning facility in this 
mythtv-setup version. However, some channels are capture as C103#1, C103#2, 
C103#3 and so on. I can still watch them though in "Watch TV". Program Guide 
however does not show any program schedules since zap2it will not have any 
match. How do I fix this? 

Also, am on analog subsription, when I just watch my comcast on my regular 
television, I see channels I like but I don't see it in MythtV. Channels 
like A&E, HGTV, Spike and so on. Why is this so? Is it something to do with 
the way I scanned the channels, QAM-256? I remember seeing different choices 
like QAM-128 and QAM64. But have no idea if it will be able to scan other 
QAM channels when I change the selection. 

Any comments will be greatly appreciated! 

KUDOS to all the mythtv developers!!! I love the closed caption feature. :D 
Picture in Picture looks weird though since it's a very wide rectangle, half 
screen at top. But it works.
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