Some recordings work beautifully for me also.  It
seems to depend on whether I am watching live tv while
the HDTV recording is being made or not.  If the
frontend is idle when the recording is made, I do not
seem to havethe problem.


--- William Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Well, the "good" news is that now I am not an
> isolated incident of this.  I
> >am experiencing almost exactly what you are.  I say
> almost because I 
> >haven't
> >broken down the circumstances under which it may
> freeze.  But, when it does
> >happen, my experience is exactly the same as yours.
>  My current attempt at
> >fixing this involves changing out my video FS from
> reiser to ext3.  I did
> >that last night but haven't be able to test it yet.
>  What FS are you using?
> I'm experiencing something similar with HDTV, but
> the frontend only freezes 
> when I am in LiveTV mode and the show ends. 
> Watching recordings works 
> beautifully.
> Will
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