Yes, that is the control group idea I am shooting for.  What Linux program do you suggest that I use to play audio files from the command line?  Preferably something that comes with KnoppMyth.

William Lewis wrote:
My myth box is giving no sound.  My first step in debugging is to see if
sound is being recorded.  So, if I record a few minutes of a show, how
do I get it so I can view it in WMP or QuickTime on a Machine that I
know has working audio?

If there is not a FOOL PROOF (searching for a control group, not new
points of failure) way, then I would like to post it to my pub folder
and have someone DL and test it for me.

Please advise.

My suggestion would be to take a known working file 
( for example), 
and get that to play.  If you can hook something up with an 1/8th inch to 
RCA cable or plug directly in to PC speakers, that would be a good first 
step.  Once you get that working, then you can move on to more advanced 
stuff (.asoundrc configuration, AC3 passthrough, whatever...)  But first 
things first.  Is it a system-wide issue or a MythTV issue?  I would say 
that's the first step.


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