I got sound working, and I'm proud to say that I achieved WAF of 1 (It's 
not 10, but I've been at 0 since I bought this machine 8/12/2005) by 
recording the bachelor tonight.  She was pleased to be able to catch the 
final 5 minutes that she missed when watching it live.

Now all I have to do is get the scond tuner on the PVR-500 to work and 
I'll be ready to start trying to get a remote to work.

Here's a log if you want to check it out. http://bronosky.com/pub/sess.txt

Michael T. Dean wrote:

>On 01/23/2006 04:57 PM, William Lewis wrote:
>>I think mplayer is probably the most flexible...  'mplayer -ao alsa 
>>filename' should do it, I think...  If you want to get creative with it, 
>>feel free to screw around with the -ao option, using -ao alsa:device=hw=0.0 
>>for example.  Run 'mplayer -ao help' for more information about this option.
>Or, to avoid having issues with MPlayer because you have a sound server 
>(artsd, esd, ...) running (did you remember to turn it off--it should be 
>off for Myth, too), use aplay.  However, aplay only supports a small 
>number of file formats, so stick to the "english.au" sound Will linked 
>to above.
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