On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 22:41 +0100, Marius Schrecker wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have setup my myth box (an Athlon 1800+, 756Meg Memory, 100G+
> > Harddrive space, nic, and the afore mentioned pvr-500).  Everything
> > seems to run, but I only get static on "Tuner 4" and a very poor picture
> > (if I get one) on "tuner 6".  I have coax and composite cables attached
> > to the main card, I don't have the daughter card installed.  When I look
> > at "tuner status" it shows:
> >
> > tuner 1: not available
> > tuner 2: not available
> > tuner 4: not recording
> > tuner 6: not recording
> >
> > I followed the instructions off of mythtv.org and placed to tuner
> > devices:
> >
> > /dev/video0 & /dev/video1
> >
> > I also assigned video sources to both tuners (although there wasn't any
> > named tuner0 or tuner1 -- just 2 lines of tuner) and both composite
> > lines (both 0 & 1).
> The PVR-500 is seen by ivtv as two 150's, each with one tuner. Prior to
> ivtv4.1 these were both called tuner0, but >=4.1 they have been renamed
> just tuner, so your two lines of "tuner" are correct. I don't understand
> how you have 6 tuners with one pvr 500 (or have I missed something?).
> Marius

Thanks for all the replies!

I did what morten suggested, removed all the previous device setups and
redid them.  I now have, 


my list of input connections is:

video0 (tuner) -> cable
video0 (Composite 0) -> none
video0 (composite 1) -> none
video0 (S-Video 0) -> none
video0 (S-Video 1) -> none

video1 (Tuner 0) -> cable
video1 (composite 0) -> none
video1 (composite 1) -> none
video1 (s-video 0) -> none
video1 (s-video 1) -> none

When I try to watch live-tv what is labeled "tuner 1" gives me static.
"tuner 2", however, gives my tv.  

Actual connections are: composite in & coax cable -- both on the main
card (daughter card not installed)

So my question now is -- how do I get video on "tuner 1"?

BTW: there are only those 2 tuners listed.  And if I do a straight
reboot, the devices get all [EMAIL PROTECTED] up.  Cold boots are fine.

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