On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 03:24:04PM -0000, Dawson, Guy wrote:
> Hi there
> Using 0.18.  I've set up Myth to run Mythfilldatabase automatically, which
> it does.  Problem is that it fails with an XML error (reported in system
> status). 
> If I run it  manually, all is well (it works as user and root).

Is the Whatever.xmltv file in ~/.mythtv for the user that MFDB is being run
as from the crontab? 

i.e if the crontab is is running mythfilldatabase as 'mythtv' then 
there should be a file like:


If you did the mythtv-setup as root then the RT.xmltv will probably be in

Alternatively check that mythfilldatabase is in the PATH as understood by
cron. Might need setting in the crontab, depending on how cron is running


Mike Richardson
IT Services, University of Manchester
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