This is very easy to do with a template based system.  This is the reason they hired me at Yahoo! was to go through their existing systems and separate process logic from presentation logic.  We are partnering with so many ISPs now that everything must be able to be branded, skinned, and translated in dozens if not hundreds of dialects.  This also saves you time when cross browser support is hard to achieve.  You just literally feed that browser the same info on another template.  Have you seen the new Yahoo! Maps?  Theres a basic HTML, AJAX, and Flash based versions and they all use the same engine for the process logic.  The just swap out the presentation logic.  ( cool API usage example: )

Anyway, my point is that we can make a text, WAP, HTML-w/oJS, AJAX, and Flash based presentation if we have a good extensible backend.

I say we scope what we want it to DO, not look like.  Make the text based version powerful enough to do those things.  Then add wrappers to what drives that new text based version to make an awesome API that Flash, AJAX, or a Yahoo! Widget can call.  Then the Photoshop fanatics can make a bunch of good looking HTML-w/oJS skins.

This is the only way to get this DONE.  Set in place a plan the only requires doing the heavy lifting once.  If you try to meet everyones needs 3 or 4 different times, it will never get done.

Chris Petersen wrote:
or even just to speed up the loading of the current time schedule by
loading details and later channels after the initial load, and I know
this has been talked about before.  I'm not sure how to neatly
implement both AJAX and non-AJAX methods without making them separate.

Since the mouseover stuff is all _javascript_, anyway, I intend to start 
using ajax for this in .20.

 More inquisitive than argumentative I'm wondering what browsers are
still out there that lack JS and httprequester (obviously cell phones
are on the list)?

elinks only has rudimentary js support, I don't think lynx has it at 
all.  And there are still a lot of people who actually turn it off for 
security reasons (enough to beg me not to require _javascript_ in mythweb).

Thus, two themes...  One full-featured fancy ajax-loaded one, and one 
basic no-frills one so security-paranoid and text-browser users can 
still get in and do things.

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