> took me about 2 minutes to write a php function to return a m3u list
> of the current mythmusic page.
> With some javascript and a little bit of AJAX (I like pear::HTML_AJAX
> for php) you could have a pretty sweet playlist editor. I do suck at
> designing interfaces however so if someone makes something static I
> could put some brains to it,
> And while we're at it redo the filtering for the music lists.

I will *only* accept patches that are a complete rewrite of the music 
portion.  The current object-based setup is imho horribly ugly, and at 
best does not match up with the how rest of the code is implemented.  If 
you have questions, I'm almost always in the #mythtv-users irc channel 
on freenode.

I also request that use of javascript only ADD to the functionality of 
the page, not become a necessity (too many mythweb users out there don't 
use javascript).  Sometime after .19, I do plan to create a new 
"minimal" theme to work without javascript so that the default theme can 
be made all ajax-friendly, but until then, javascript should always be 
considered an extra, not a requirement.

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