Yes, I just contacted Hauppauge for an RMA.  Great company.  Easy to deal with.

I always assume that when there's a problem, it's my fault.  I've been developing for a while and learned to quit blame shifting long ago.  Oh, and I've been married for 4 years, so I've learned everything is definitely my fault.

I just wanted to be certain that I hadn't made a software goof.  It's too easy to say "this thing was broken when I bought it" at the first sign of trouble.

James C. Dastrup wrote:
Well, the moderator finally reviewed my 4 emails to the ivtv-users and 
ivtv-devel lists.  And I got a unanimous "up yours" from him.  This is very sad.

I guess my last hope is the email I sent Hans.  Which is the first in the list below.

What more can I do?


It seems several people suggested you get the card replaced, as many other have seen the same exact thing you have with one bad tuner.  No good software will ever fix bad hardware.

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